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编辑:      发表时间:[2016-09-22]       阅读:1374
  1. Wang Q.J., Du Z.Z., L. Luo, W. Wang, Fatigue properties of ultra-fine grain Cu–Cr alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012, 526(15), 39-44 .
  2. Wang Q. J., Xu CZ, Zheng MS, Zhu JW. Fatigue Crack Initiation Life Prediction of Ultra-fine Grain Chromium-bronze Prepared by Equal-channel Angular Pressing[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2008, 459(1-2): 303-308.
  3. Wang Q. J., Xu CZ, Zheng MS, Zhu JW. Investigation on Semi-conductive Properties of Passive Films Formed on Copper in Chromate Solutions [J]. Thin Solid Film,2009, 517:1995-1999.
  4.  Wang Q. J, Zhang P.P.,Liu C.Y., Principle of the Continuous Variable Cross-Section Recycled Extrusion(CVCE) Process, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 418-420 (2012) pp 1400-1404 .
  5. Wang Q. J, Du Z. Z , Liu X. Y., Ludvík Kunz,Fatigue Property and Fatigue Cracks of Ultra-fine Grained CopperProcessed by Equal-channel Angular Pressing, Materials Science Forum Vol. 682 (2011) pp 231-237.
  6. Wang Q. J., Y.C.Wang, Du Zhong ze, Investigation on Corrosion Behaviors of Ultra-Fine Grain Copper in 3.5%NaCl Solution Materials Science Forum, Vols, 2011 667-669 :1125-1130.
  7. Wang Qingjuan ,Zhou xiao,Effect of Cr Content and Heat Treatment on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Cu-Cr-Zr Alloys,The 2014 International Conference on Computer Science and Electronic Technology,2014.12.27-2014.12.28.
  8. Zhang Xiaowen,Wang Qingjuan*,Tensile behavior of high temperature Cu-Cr-Zr alloy,2015 International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy Engineering (PEEE2015),2015.4.19-2015.4.20.

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[14] Cai Jun, Wang Kuaishe, Miao Chengpeng, Li Wenbing, Wang Wen and Yang Jie. Constitutive analysis to predict high-temperature flow behavior of BFe10-1-2 cupronickel alloy in consideration of strain. Materials and Design, 2015, 65: 272-279

[15]Cai Jun, Wang Kuaishe, Zhai Peng, Li Fuguo and Yang Jie. A Modified Johnson-Cook Constitutive Equation to Predict Hot Deformation Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, 24(1): 32-44

[16]Cai Jun, Lei Ying, Wang Kuaishe, Zhang Xiaolu, Miao Chengpeng and Li Wenbing. A Comparative Investigation on the Capability of Modified Zerilli-Armstrong and Arrhenius-Type Constitutive Models to Describe Flow Behavior of BFe10-1-2 Cupronickel Alloy at Elevated Temperature. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25(5): 1952-1963



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