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编辑:      发表时间:[2015-07-29]       阅读:1451

功能材料研究所一年级研究生刘艳芳撰写的论文《Recent advances in alternative counter electrode materials for Co-mediated dye-sensitized solar cells》从2015年4月投稿,历经1个月审稿和两次修改后,于2015年6月5日被国际SCI期刊《Nanoscale》录用,目前已在线发表。文章涵盖了基于钴电解液中不同螯合体对这类电解液性能的影响,以及钴电对电解液染料敏化太阳能电池各种对电极材料所取得具有代表性的成果,同时指出了这几类催化材料面临的挑战,并对未来基于钴电解液染料敏化太阳能电池的发展前景进行了展望。对有关染料敏化太阳能电池进一步的研究具有重要的指导作用。刘艳芳同学从华清学院考入我校功能材料研究所,指导教师为云斯宁教授。


国际期刊《Nanoscale》收录在英国皇家化学协会(The Royal Society of Chemistry)数据库中。《Nanoscale》在中科院SCI分区中属于1区的期刊,2015年6月18日美国科学情报研究机构汤森路透《SCI期刊分析报告》(Thomson Reuters 2014 Journal Citation Reports)最新公布的《Nanoscale》刊物影响因子为7.394,5年影响因子为7.762。该期刊去年公布的影响因子为6.739.


Nanoscale (www.rsc.org/nanoscale) is a community-spanning and high impact peer reviewed journal publishing very high quality, high impact research across nanoscience and nanotechnology.


Nanoscale Associate Editors stress very high standards for acceptance in the journal. Articles must report extremely novel, very high quality, reproducible new work of broad general interest.


Nanoscale is a top-tier journal, and in all cases a Review-type article must meet the journal’s demanding quality and novelty standards by being:

  1. Authoritative – a very high quality state-of-the-art account of the research area

  2. Appealing – a timely account which is needed and which genuinely adds to the existing literature

  3. Accessible - of general interest and enticing to the journal’s wide, community-spanning readership

    Nanoscale Review-type articles undergo a rigorous and full peer review procedure, in the same way as regular research papers.

